Client profiles

Client information at your fingertips

  • Build detailed client profiles containing personal information, contact details, case details, rates and referral information for each client, with the flexibility to add your own custom fields.
  • Include prominent keynotes or safeguarding issues at the top of each record.
  • Create reminders for key dates or renewals, which flag up on the client record when due.
  • Organise clients into different groups, and colour code based on status or priority.
  • Comprehensive access controls allow you to restrict an employee’s access to those clients that they are working with.

Secure and practical tools for every-day note writing

  • Capture your clinical notes, time, travel, mileage and expenses within a single form, making recording interventions quick and efficient. Say goodbye to burdensome timesheets!
  • Assign notes to different rates and services, mark notes as non-billable where required, and add in your own categorisation codes so you can analyse your activities by the contact type, by the people involved and by the subject of the intervention.
  • View notes added by others working on the same client in real-time.
  • Use powerful search and filtering tools to find and manage historical notes.
  • Easily export notes when required for disclosure, with options to exclude notes marked as privileged from the export.
  • Have peace of mind that your clinical notes are securely stored and backed-up within the UK.

Invoicing made easy

  • Generate accurate invoices based on your recorded time and expenses, in just a few clicks.
  • A flexible billing structure allows you to set up different time-based and fixed-fee rates for different clients, different charges for activities or clinicians, and generate separate invoices for different services.
  • Set-up specific rates for travel time and mileage that you record, and include charges on the invoice.
  • Customise the invoice template with your own branding and company information, and choose from a range of invoice formats.
  • Send invoices directly out of the system, and attach an export of the invoiced notes where required.
  • Integrate Qunote with Sage or Xero accounting packages at no extra cost.

Convenient and compliant document storage

  • Securely store relevant documentation and files within each client’s file, for convenient team access in real-time.
  • Assign documents to different categories from a customisable list, and mark documents as privileged or sent.
  • Easily filter and export all documentation for a given period when required for disclosure.
  • Maintain a central library of key policies and document templates that is accessible to staff wherever they may be, ensuring your team produce documentation with consistent branding and statutory information.

A connected contacts database

  • Create an individual address book of clinical, professional, and personal contacts for each client, and organise by category.
  • For each contact, store key personal details, contact information, relationship to client, and free-form notes.
  • Share clinical contacts across multiple clients, saving the need for duplication.
  • Easy access to a full company address book, containing all of your client related and non-client related contacts.

Securely store emails within client records

  • Quickly transfer emails and attachments to client records using Qunote’s built-in ‘Email to filenote’ function.
  • Easily record time spent reading or writing each email, and charge this to your invoice.
  • Email invoices directly from Qunote to the client’s specified invoice contacts.

Stay up to date with calendar and tasks

  • Create and manage tasks for staff, and view progress from a dedicated dashboard page.
  • Set- up company events or client appointments and invite staff to attend. Quickly see who has confirmed their attendance.
  • Access a personalised calendar for each employee and client, showing all of their scheduled tasks and events.
  • Receive automated dashboard notifications when assigned to a task or event, or when tasks have been marked as completed.

HR tools to keep your business running like clockwork

  • Create comprehensive HR records for all staff and support workers, including personal information, contact details, qualifications, skills, dependants, health information, vaccinations, and bank account details. You can also add your own custom fields.
  • Maintain training logs for each member of staff, showing training taken, level achieved and expiry/renewal date.
  • Upload key documentation to each record.
  • Easily record and track annual leave and absences. View figures for each employee showing total duration of absence taken during a specified period, and remaining annual leave entitlement for that period.
  • Access a central ‘Leave calendar’, providing an at-a-glance overview of all staff leave and absence recorded for a particular day.
  • View your staff’s main addresses on the HR map, and filter staff displayed by characteristics or distance from a particular client.
  • Access a series of HR specific reports. Report on key HR information such as upcoming expiry dates for training, DBS check dates, absences and annual leave.

Permissions driven access-management

  • Control exactly which clients and functions each user is able to access through a simple permissions system.
  • Easily amend a user’s access permissions at any time, or revoke access completely at the click of a button.
  • Access audit logs of each user’s activity, ensuring complete accountability.

Harness your data with the reports dashboard

  • Gain a complete overview of your organisation’s performance and activities via a comprehensive selection of management reports.
  • Generate real-time reports on time usage, employee performance, client data and billing.
  • Visualise time spent on various activities using the dynamic Activity Report graph.
  • Export report data to Excel for further analysis.